Access to the CHAMP Data Base

Access to the public part of the CHAMP data is available anonymous ftp. The ISDC ftp-server has the following address:

The CHAMP data base on this server has the following basic directory structure:

/Product Section/Level/Product/Year

Product Sections:

  • AI  = Atmosphere/Ionosophere
  • ME = Magnetic/Electric Field
  • OG = Orbit & Gravity Field related product
  • GPS = Data from the former CHAMP related highrate GPS ground station network (will be released here soon!)

For the sections AI, ME and OG all data products are stored in daily files, given as zip-, cdf- or tar-files


DOI-referenced citable CHAMP data products can also be found in the data portal of GFZ Data Services.

In particular, the final ME products (License: CC BY 4.0):

  • Rother, Martin; Michaelis, Ingo (2019): CH-ME-3-MAG - CHAMP 1 Hz Combined Magnetic Field Time Series (Level 3). GFZ Data Services.
  • Rother, Martin; Michaelis, Ingo (2019): CH-ME-2-FGM-SCI - CHAMP 50 Hz Magnetic Field Vector Time Series in Sensor- and ECEF-(NEC)-System (Level 2). GFZ Data Services.
  • Rother, Martin; Michaelis, Ingo (2019): CH-ME-2-PLPT - CHAMP Electron Density and Temperature Time Series in Low Time Resolution (Level 2). GFZ Data Services.
  • Rother, Martin; Michaelis, Ingo (2019): CH-ME-3-ASC-BOOM - CHAMP 1 Hz Satellite Attitude Time Series in Quaternion Format (Level 3). GFZ Data Services.
  • Michaelis, Ingo; Rother, Martin; Korte, Monika (2024): CHAMP ME Orbit Counter. V. 0101. GFZ Data Services.

Product documentation:

GFZ Section 2.3. (2019). CHAMP: Overview of final ME products and format description. Scientific Technical Report - Data; 19/10; ISSN 2190-7110. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.




Dr. Christoph Förste
Section 1.2: Global Geomonitoring and Gravity Field
D-14473 Potsdam / Germany
Tel.: +49 331 288-1737
Mail: igets-support(at)